Last Update: 26/03/2002
The Idea..
Well it was the time again for our yearly jaunt around the hills, doing such stupid things as camping in the middle of nowhere whilst carrying all out kit. But don't knock it till you've tried it. Anyway all was not lost, as you can see we began (And ended) the trip at this rather rough looking pub. We Arrived at about 10pm friday night, after having met in cheltenham, and purchased suitable amounts of alcohol.
The First Night..
Anyway, we set of aroundabout 10.30pm, heading off into the hills, Well we assumed there were hills, we certainly couldnt see them. Anyway after much malarkey, and a disaster trying to find somewhere to camp, we came across a spot, which was technically terrible but turned out ok ( In a horses field with two farms in sight)
Anyway it was time to be on our way, errm about midday i think it was... We wandered off to be greeted by a largish climb, and on wards across the top of the hill, where the views would have been great if we could see anything (STILL Foggy!) and eventually we stopped for lunch and a beverage
Another Lunch pic..
2nd Camp
Our second camp spot was much improved. Protection from the elements from just about all sides, and out of anyone's way. In addition to that, the view in the morning when the fog had cleared was fantastic.
The peak we reached - Bal-Mawr
And this is the peak we reached, just because we felt like it.
-(Wales 2002)-
=(© 2002 Dj Dan)=