Last Update: 13/08/2001
The Group..
Here's the required group picture, Roll Call!! Left to right, Mike, Matt, Dom, Matt, Michelle, Dan and Neil. Missing is dave who took the pic, well clearly! This is just before he thought it sensible to take a 3 mile walk back to where we started. Oh and Dom went off and rolled some cows over from the vague bits I remember. One thing I do remember is the cold, oh sooo cold.
The Tunnel..
The Tunnel, not just the tunnel, but THE tunnel, which we were told we wouldnt have time to get to. Whoops. Interesting point about this tunnel, it was finally completed towards the end (and peak) of the canal era, and due to some almighty mistake, the two ends didnt meet, meaning a kink in the middle. Not a problem for experts like us, but apparently this caused big troubles in the "rush" hours of the day. Ok, I just read that back to myself, and I have to admit, that wasnt an interesting point at all. Mental note - Forget things like that in the future. Anyway there's an action photo of Mish somewhere, but I'm under orders not to show that one. £10 sent to the webmaster could easily resolve this situation however.
The Action..
Now for some Action photos... ( HA! )

This is Mish and Rob, clearly deciding that its much easier to pull an 11 ton barge along rather than use it's diesel engine. I have to say I agree. Well made for a good shot anyway, you'd never believe one of these two was camera shy would you?
Yet Another Lock.

The Drunk :-)
Drunk? Never, Mike only took twice the amount of beer on the boat than anyone else. Its, very strange, every picture of him has budweiser merchandise. Visit www.budweiser.co.uk now. I get a free bottle for every click, so if anyone fancies setting up a script to do it repeatedly...

Anyway, the last full day, Mike decided he had to finish his beer. That was rather a lot of it, so off he started at breakfast. By mid afternoon his driving ended up like this, just check out the angle of the boat compared to the line of the river. Yikes. It's a bad photo. Honest Guv.
One and a half
Never appears on a photo this one.. Spoooky..

Every photo, smiling his head off.. This is our captain of the trip, Dom, just in case I hadnt pointed that out before. In daves words " Most photogenic person ever!!" And who's gonna argue with that?
Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob
=(© 2001 Dj Dan)=